Summer Camp 2022
Young people from the Caldecott Foundation have just returned from an action-packed adventure in the great outdoors at their Annual Summer Camp! As they arrived at the start of the week, a range of activities awaited everyone, from kayaking and archery to wall climbing and a zip wire. They all slept in tents, cooked outdoors, and gathered around a campfire in the evenings, surrounded by beautiful scenery.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that made our Annual Camp such a huge success. The experiences our staff provided for our children will make fantastic memories, supporting our children to have the confidence to try new things, some of which were out of their comfort zone. Some staff also faced their own fears such as climbing trees even though they feared heights.
We had amazing campfire singing with a beautiful song written by one of our children, rounders & tug of war and water pistol battles which both adults & children loved. On our final evening, we were joined by Tony & Barbara Charwood. Tony lived at Caldecott in the 1970s has fond memories of camping as a child with Caldecott. He remembers it all being a little less comfortable back then, no blow-up mattresses, hot showers or toilet blocks in those days! Charles Lister (Chair of Trustees) joined us for the BBQ & Campfire. He was so impressed with the lovely atmosphere & the spirit of the camp.

Children received awards for: mentoring others, being brave, trying their best & being a kind friend. Showing us all, how amazing they are. New friends were made with plans to meet up once again. Next year is booked with an extra night as requested by the children. We look forward to doing it again.
Thank you to the staff that made this event so special & thank you to the staff that helped out in the background. The Caldecott Foundation really feels like a community.
Our Summer Camp is funded through donations from charitable trusts and individual fundraisers. We are incredibly grateful to our supporters; their generosity enables us to help children build a future. Caldecott Alumni have told us of their fond memories of camp, some going back fifty years, those memories are golden. Please click here to support us next year or help fund future projects