Community Care Live

The Caldecott Foundation had a great experience at Community Care Live in Manchester.
Registered social workers; local authority directors; commissioners and workforce leads attended the two-day event of which the Caldecott Foundation was proud to be a part.
Through seminars, exhibitions and professional networking opportunities, visitors received essential learning and training from peers and sector thought leaders.
Discussions across children and families’ social work included Deprivation of Liberty; Modern Day Slavery; Routes to Achieving Permanence in Fostering & Adoption and Creating Trauma-Informed Practitioners and Organisations.
Damion and Michelle, who represented the Caldecott Foundation, said:
“CCL(M) is important because alongside supporting social workers with Continuous Professional Development, it’s a chance to meet and discuss issues with colleagues; learning what impacts upon the day-to-day and looking at solutions.
“We had very good conversations with social workers from children’s teams who wanted more information about how we work and our outcomes for children.
“It has been a very positive few days.”