Caldecott Footie Fever as World Cup Begins

As World Cup Fever strikes, children from a Caldecott Foundation house in Kent have been kicking it in new kit, thanks to a local football club.
Ashford Football Club have kindly donated personalised football strip to young people who have been engaging in the sport.
Children have been proudly practising footie skills in their shiny new shirts, with their names emblazoned on the back – just like the pro players!
Senior Residential Worker from the Caldecott Foundation, Ryan, said:
“I am currently player/manager at Ashford Football Club and we play our football in the Kent County Football League. After speaking with my committee about my job and the work that I do, they were keen to get involved in making some sort of donation.
“I’ve been at the Caldecott Foundation for just over eight years now and football has always been a great tool for myself in regard to being able to communicate with our young people. I have my Level 1 coaching badge and am looking at doing my Level 2 in the next twelve months and then perhaps after that my UEFA B License.
“When I informed the young people that my club was making this donation they were all really excited. When they were actually given the football shirts it was a picturesque moment and times like that really make this job extra special.”