Arts Week at The Caldecott School
The Caldecott School has celebrated its first ever Arts Week!
Using the theme of Animals, pupils explored African drumming; puppet-making; tile mosaics; baking craft; cartoon-drawing; music; dramatic performance and more, as part of a varied programme in which everyone could get involved.

“It’s about showing how the Arts are in everything we do” said Louise, Head of the Caldecott School.
“We have an Art Therapist and a Music Therapist here, and we wanted to use their skills right across the School. By enriching our curriculum with Arts Week, we’ve given our young people experiences that they’ve not had before.”
Highlights included a trip to Margate to visit the Turner Contemporary, before heading to the beach to make sand sculptures.
At the end of the week, the School launched its own Art Gallery with a Showcase of Artwork, beginning with a production of “Elmer the Elephant”.
Pupils used their dramatic skills to tell the story of Elmer, an elephant who realised it was good to show his true colours and celebrate being different from the crowd. A colourful carnival wrapped up the performance, with young people proudly parading the kites they’d made during the week.
This was followed by a hand-made shadow puppet show and a musical rendition of Katy Perry’s “Roar”, in which one Caldecott pupil sang solo in front of the whole school and audience of staff, parents and carers.
Workshops then took place in which adults were invited to join the young people in completing their artistic creations.

“Everybody has had an equal opportunity to do something”, said Louise. “Whether listening, watching or taking part, everybody has been able to be part of Arts Week, and for me, that’s what the Arts are all about”.